it's been almost a year since the last time we met. how's life treating you? Hope you're fine wherever you are.
to you, who lives in the same town with me but seems like hundreds kilometers away, I miss you.
cliché, I know. but I really do.
I see your photos and you look happier with your new friends. oh, you are happier. I don't tell I'm not happy to see you happy, but frankly, missing you is just a waste of happiness. because when I realize I miss you, I'm sad. then I write like I do now.
I could have forgotten you just like you forget me, but those memories run around my head.
I could have been happier without you, but I just don't know how.
there's a lot of things I could've done, but without you is just not the same.
people say a friendship that ends actually never started. but I ignore it. I ignore it because I hope you would go back to me and sharing things like we used to do.
I ignore it until I realize, what I hope is just a wishful thinking.
were you there, actually?
did you care, frankly?
but indeed, forgetting me is not a big deal. I know it. send my love to your new friends.
sincerely, your highschool chair mate
[tulisan ini dibuat untuk menumpahkan perasaanku tentang kehilangan seorang teman. kehilangan karena dilupakan adalah hal terakhir yang mungkin ingin kaualami. namun aku sudah mengalaminya. dan kau tidak akan pernah mau membayangkan rasanya]
Kok sama ya ceritanya. Btw Salam kenal, dari cerminanmu.